Tag Archives: friend-zone

First Kiss – Part III

The first man that I actually wanted to be kissed by gave me a very confusing relationship. He was overly friendly and would take me on what I would have considered dates. But he never showed any interest in me romantically, so eventually, we also moved apart.
“I don’t know what’s going on!” I complained to one of my male acquaintances at one point.
“So have sex with him.” He shrugged, “That should clear things up.”
It was then that I realized that my standards were unrealistic. I also realized that this guy wasn’t interested in me at all. We lived in a culture that just passed over kissing and hand holding and went straight to sex. No romance. No foreplay. Nothing at all like the movies. Just sex. I sighed and resigned myself to never finding someone for me. So I moved away from the idea of romance, the idea of actually being with someone. It didn’t stop me from randomly dating guys here and there, though, but they only proved me right. No one was worthwhile and only filled my time with useless annoyance and frustration.

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